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Dentally Portal
Dentally Portal

How to configure your Portal, manage online appointment booking and help patients

Customise Portal

Understand how to edit your settings and configure your Portal admin dashboard.

How to access the Dentally Portal admin dashboardHow to navigate to the Portal admin dashboard as a Dentally user.
How to customise Dentally Portal's appearance for your brand - multi-site onlyHow to customise your Dentally Portal in line with your practice and brand - for multi-site only.
How to customise Dentally Portal's appearance for your brand - single-site onlyHow to customise your Dentally Portal in line with your practice and brand - for single-site only.
How to enable and view patient booking notifications in PortalLet's take a look at when/how the practice can be notified of important Dentally Portal updates.
How patients complete action cards on Dentally PortalThis article will help you understand what happens in Dentally when patients complete actions on the Portal.
How to amend permission levels in Dentally PortalHow to choose what users in your practice can do within the Dentally Portal's admin dashboard.
How to turn on task remindersHow to enable the task reminder feature for your practice.
How to use task remindersFind out how task reminders work, how to enable them, and how they can increase digital form collections for your practice and save time.
When task reminders are prepared and sent
How to make use of Portal's featuresAre you getting the most out of your patient portal? Have you optimised your Dentally Portal configuration recently?
How to use performance reporting in Dentally PortalUsing the performance report to understand your patients and optimise your activity.
How to customise a practitioner's Portal profile for online bookingCustomising practitioner details for online booking, including profile photo, job title and bio.
How to copy or edit your practice's unique Portal web addressHow to locate your practice's Portal link to share with patients, and how to customise it.
How to add your practice's privacy policy to PortalHow to use the 'Privacy policy' feature to share your practice's terms and conditions
Online Booking

Set your online appointments up to work exactly how you want them with Dentally...

How to create a new online appointment as a single-site practiceHow to create and manage different appointments, set pricing and duration, and categorise them - single-site practices only 👤
How to create a new online appointment as a multi-site brandHow to create and manage different appointments, set pricing and duration, and categorise them - multi-site practices only 👥
How to edit pricing, duration and other online appointment detailsHow to edit the details of a new or existing online appointment type, including price, duration, practitioners and calendar options.
How to use appointment categories with online appointment bookingUnderstand how appointments are categorised to streamline the patient booking experience.
How to use online booking as a new patientHow a new patient books their first appointment using Online Appointment Booking with Dentally Portal
How to use online booking as an existing patientHow an existing patient books an appointment using Portal, including booking recalls and paying deposits.
How patients can cancel an appointment onlineHow a patient cancels and rebooks an appointment online using Dentally Portal.
How to use online booking for recall appointmentsLearn how to use online recall links, and what the patient will see when they’re due to book a routine appointment through Dentally Portal.
Dentally Portal Online Booking, What the Practice SeesHow the Practice sees and Reports on appointments booked, and payments taken using Online Appointment Booking
How patients use ‘Book together’ to combine routine appointmentsUnderstand how to enable and configure ‘Book together’, to allow patients to combine routine appointments.
How to optimise your online booking configurationAre you getting the most out of your online booking system? Have you optimised your Dentally Portal configuration recently?
How to use practitioner locking with online bookingHow to configure Dentally Portals practitioner locking settings and how this affects who your patients can book in with online.
How to create direct links for different practices - multi-site only 👥What are direct links and how to use them in Dentally Portal?
Portal Devices

How to integrate devices with Portal