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Scottish SDR144 Update

Updated SDR for NHS Scotland sites during Covid-19 pandemic.

Kevin Bell avatar
Written by Kevin Bell
Updated over a week ago

The Statement of Dental Renumeration for NHS Scotland sites has been updated according to SDR144, with limited dental treatments and the addition of Triage Activity codes. Any claims raised with an acceptance date after 22nd June 2020 will adhere to the new rules stated in SDR144.

Details of the amendments introduced with SDR144 are on the website here.

Triage Activity Treatments

The SDR144 contains Triage Activity treatments which can be seen in your treatment list, in the COVID SDR category.

Disallowed Treatment

Any treatment not covered during the implementation of SDR144 will not be submitted in your NHS claim and will be highlighted on your NHS treatment summary at the base of your treatment plan.

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