Error Explained
This means that there is no treatment which is verifiable NHS treatment on the claim. This could be for three main reasons.
1 - For NHS Scotland specifically, there is no treatment to chart as it is treatment that is claimed for under capitation.
The following reasons apply to NHS England, Wales and Scotland
2 - The treatment item code you have used to chart the treatment is not recognised on the Clinical Data Set screen as an NHS treatment code
3 - The treatment is listed as Private and not NHS treatment on the Treatment Plan
How to Resolve
If the treatment is for work that is carried out under capitation, you need to chart an REGN treatment, and send the claim.
Note that an REGN code must be on an individual submission with NO other treatment.
For more help, take a look at our support doc about the REGN code for NHS Scotland U18 claims here
Additional NHS Claim Error support documentation
For additional support documents showing you how to resolve common NHS Claim errors, please see below. May of these errors are applicable to both Scotland, England and Wales, unless otherwise stated
Dealing with NHS Claim Problems - This is an overview of claim errors
Specific NHS Claim Errors