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NHS Updates
NHS Changes - April 2023πŸ₯ NHS EN/WA only - Updates on the latest NHSBSA claim changes for both England & Wales. Information on upcoming NHS England fee increase...
NHS Claim Changes 1st October 2022 - Part 3: Orthodontic Assess & Debond (Overseas Patients)πŸ₯ NHS EN/WA only - NHS Claims rules update CCN52
NHS Claim Changes 1st October 2022 - Part 2: Personalised Recall Intervals, New Endodontic Codes and Additional Clinical InformationπŸ₯ NHS EN/WA only - NHS Claims rules update CCN50
NHS Claim Changes 1st October 2022 - Part 1: Promoting Skills MixπŸ₯ NHS EN/WA only - NHS Claims rules update CCN49
NHS England CCN46 ChangesπŸ₯ NHS EN/WA only - The new options on NHS Claims when submitting as of the 1st December 2021.
Overview of NHS England Band 2 changes – November 2022πŸ₯ NHS EN/WA only - Take a read of the latest NHSE changes to the way band 2 treatment is awarded.
NHS Scotland 'Under 26' Age Related ExemptionπŸ₯ NHS SC only
NHS Scotland Changes 1st February 2022πŸ₯ NHS SC only - Update to NHS Scotland fees and changes to examinations.
NHS Additional UDA Notification - Feb 2024πŸ₯ NHS EN/WA only - Details on the announcement surrounding the ability to receive additional UDAs against claims. Eligibility rules apply.
Updates to NHS Practitioner settings for the CCN63 changesπŸ₯ NHS EN, WA, SC, NI only - What has changed to support the CCN63 changes from the NHS.
NHS Scotland Code Updates Aug 2024πŸ₯ NHS SC only - NHS Scotland updated the information requirements of certain treatments