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NHS England CCN46 Changes

The new options on NHS Claims when submitting as of the 1st December 2021.

Shelley Withington avatar
Written by Shelley Withington
Updated over a week ago

Inclusion of the Flexible Commissioning Flag.

This option is selected via a drop-down list of flag options available in the Claim Submission screens. The default will be N/A, indicating that Flexible Commissioning is not appropriate on this claim. The correct option can be selected where appropriate on claims on or after 1/12/21.

Phased Treatment

Yes/No option on claims submission screens where the claim is part of a phased treatment series of claims. The default for this option is No.

CCN46 Eng.png

New NHS Treatment categories.

  • Custom Made Occlusal Appliance (Hard Bite or Soft Bite)

  • Denture Additions/Reline/Rebase

  • Preformed Crowns

  • Advance Root Debridement (RSD)

These new NHS Treatment categories will need to be assigned to the relevant treatments in order to send the details to NHSBSA on NHS Claims - we cannot apply these categories automatically to your treatments. These treatment categories will be applied when submitting claims with a start date on or after 1/12/2021. Go to Settings>Treatments & Plans, select and change the relevant treatments:


Share Email Address/Mobile Number on NHS Submissions

NHSBSA now request the sharing of contact details held for the patient. This was in place for NHS England Orthodontic claims for some time and has now been extended to all claim types.

The patient can opt-out of these details being shared and, where the mobile number and email details are available for a patient, their choices are indicated when submitting the claim.

Consent should be gathered with each claim submission.


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