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NHS Changes - April 2023

Updates on the latest NHSBSA claim changes for both England & Wales. Information on upcoming NHS England fee increase...

Amber Morris avatar
Written by Amber Morris
Updated yesterday

There have been three major changes this month across NHS England and Wales. Navigate through the option below to find out more...

🚨 Important NHS Claim Related Information for CCN57🚨

The NHSBSA's recent CCN57 change is focused on the use of NHS numbers in NHS claims for England and Wales.

What is changing?

As before, when submitting an NHS claim, the NHS will match up the patient's details with their NHS number. Going forward, they will then include this information amongst the data received with your monthly schedules, allowing Dentally to update the patient's NHS number field automatically.

In addition to this, when the NHSBSA finds discrepancies in name or gender details received on the claim compared to that held on their database, they will include any differences on the monthly schedule under the NHS comment section for you to review. There is no requirement for you to use these new details and these are simply returned for advice, to highlight differences in patient information.

Why is this changing?

The NHSBSA encourages the use of a patient's NHS number on the patient's details when submitting a claim however, the number they currently receive from practices is very low. These changes have been introduced to try and increase the number of NHS numbers used across the board.

How this will affect me as a Dentally user?

The patient's NHS number and differences are returned to Dentally in the monthly schedules. All this information will be held in the NHS comments section.

When a patient's NHS number is returned, the NHS number field in the patient's record will be updated and a notification placed against it to indicate it has been validated by NHSBSA.

If an NHS number is updated, Dentally will show the change, reflecting the previously entered number in the patient audit.

When a difference is detected in the patient's name or gender the information will return to Dentally in the NHS comments section of the monthly schedule but WILL NOT automatically change any of the patient's information. This is only there for your reference.

When will this take effect?

Practices will start to see the returned values included in their monthly schedules from the April cut-off dates.

🚨NHS England Fee Increase with effect April 24th 2023🚨

Dentally will automatically update these fees for you in the background to take effect for treatments raised on or after April 24th, so you don't have to worry about a thing!

Do you use Dentally Portal?

If you have NHS appointments setup on Dentally Portal for either new patients, existing dental check-ups or emergencies, the fees will automatically be updated for you here too!

🚨 Important NHS Claim Related Information for CCN56🚨

The NHSBSA recently released a change control notification advising that the COVID related information previously requested on NHS claims in England & Wales is no longer required.

This includes:

Due to these updates, we have had to make some changes to the way your NHS Claim submission screen looks in Dentally. These changes will come into effect in Dentally from Wednesday 5th April 2023 onwards.

There is no set date from which NHSBSA no longer require this information - once updated, the claims submission process in Dentally will simply no longer request any of this information. Any claims sent before the change is made in Dentally will continue to be processed without issue.

Triage Claims

While Triage Claims are no longer required, any previously created triage claims will still be visible in Dentally for your reference.If any triage claims are in the sent state and awaiting processing, this will not cause any issues.

The NHS Claims report and patient's Claims screen will continue to display Triage claims & the NHS Claims report will continue to allow filtering to show Triage claims.

Functionality Changes

The 'Submit Claim' button in England will return to its previous behaviour (as per Wales) and will automatically raise an NHS claim following the change. This will be in place of asking the user if they wish to raise a Claim or Triage a Claim.

AGP Appointments

The COVID 19 section containing the AGP figure input on NHS claims submission screens in England and Wales will simply be removed as part of the changes.

Triage Calls ☎️

This section of the NHS Claims submission screen will be removed in its entirety.

If you have any queries, please contact our team via support chat in Dentally.

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