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How to use the Task list feature in Dentally
How to use the Task list feature in Dentally

Use tasks to ensure that jobs are carried out, and nothing is forgotten, Covering creating, assigning, subtasks, follow-ups and duplicating

Shelley Withington avatar
Written by Shelley Withington
Updated over a week ago

Dentally's task list feature allows you to create, assign and keep track of your tasks. So you, your team and your practice can make sure no job is ever forgotten...

Use the bullet points below to navigate this help article or read through it as a whole if you wish...

How to add a new task?

Example video gif below πŸ‘‡

  • To add a new task click on +Add Task button

  • Enter the task name

  • Add the location - for multi-site practices.

    • The location is assigned by selecting an assignee or a particular patient. Adding a location initially limits the drop-down list of assignees to Practitioners working at the individual site.

  • Set the assignee

  • Set the due date

  • If the task is about a particular patient, you can add the patients name.

  • You can mark this as a Priority task, by ticking the Priority box.

    • This will add a red '!' against the task

  • If the task is recurring you can set this up here. simply select the interval for the repeat.

    • Periodical tasks allow you to assign a period for the task to be repeated once it has been completed. For example, once a task has been completed, it then needs to be done again 2 weeks later.

  • Add notes if required

  • Save the task. Once saved, the task appears in the task report list.

How to add a subtask?

A subtask is a smaller task that sits within the the main task.

For example, in the case of a task "Check waiting lists" two additional tasks could be

  • Contact patients waiting the longest.

  • Book 10 appointments this week.

Example video Gif below πŸ‘‡

Let's take a look at how to add a subtask...

  • First open the main task.

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the main task and click on +Subtask

  • You can see the name of the main task at the top of the subtask window.

  • Complete the subtask details in the same way as the main task

  • Save the subtask

  • Repeat this process for as many subtasks as are required.

When a task has a subtask, you see the number of subtasks in the status indicator area on the task line. To see the task and subtask in detail, click on Details > to the right of the task.

You can change the display filters to display subtasks to yes so you can see each task and their subtasks as a full list

Quick Edit task and subtask names

If you notice a spelling mistake or want to quickly edit the task or subtask names, you can do this in the task list.

  • Click on the task/subtask name and overtype or retype the details.

  • Hit the enter key to save these quick changes.

Add a task regarding a specific patient

If you need to add a task for a staff member to deal with a specific patient, you can also add the task directly from the patient's records.

From the Tasks tab in the patient's record, you can create a new task and the patient will be assigned to the task for you.

If you are creating the task from the tasks menu on the left of your Dentally screen, you need to manually search for and select the patient.

  • Add a task in the usual way

  • In the patient field type the name of the patient

  • Select the patient from the list of patients presented

  • Continue to complete the task, adding subtasks as required

  • Once saved, the patient's name will appear in the task list

  • Click on the patient's name to open the patient details in the same tab

  • Click on the icon to open the patient details in a new tab

Call a patient from within a task

In the top right of the task details screen, you will be able to see a phone icon which will allow you to call the patient directly from Dentally.

How to call a patient from within a task?

  • Open the task by clicking on Details >

  • Click on the Call patient icon

  • Select the number to call from the patient's details

  • Click on Call from browser

  • Please note you need to have patient calling enabled.

  • Calling from within a task will be noted in the patient's correspondence tab.

Complete a task or subtask

How to complete a task?

  • To complete a task, or subtask, open the task, by clicking on Details >

  • Add notes if you need to record the actions and outcomes of the task.

  • Click on Mark Complete

  • Tasks marked as complete have a green tick in the task list.

How to find completed tasks in the task list?

  • Navigate to the task list on the left toolbar in Dentally

  • Set the Completed filter to "Yes"

  • Now you will have several additional filter options

  • Filter by date

  • Decide whether to show subtasks

  • Completed items are shown with a green circle and a white tick on the tasks list report.

  • If you click on a completed task, the details of the completion, are shown on the task as seen below πŸ‘‡

Duplicate a task

Duplicating tasks is handy for recurring tasks where the items to be completed are the same. Using the duplicate option is a great way to save you time and streamline your workflows. Duplicating a task will duplicate the subtasks along with it.

How to duplicate a task?

  • Open the task by clicking on Details >

  • Click on the duplicate icon

  • Amend details as appropriate

  • Save the new task

Set a Follow-up task

If you need to ensure a sequence of tasks, then use the Follow-Up task option (highlighted below in blueπŸ‘‡)
Follow-up tasks continue the sequence of events after the original task is completed.

How to setup a follow-up task?

  • Open the task by clicking on Details >

  • Click on the Follow-Up task icon (highlighted below in blueπŸ‘‡)

  • Add details as appropriate

  • Save the follow up task

Using the task list report

To access your task list, click on the Tasks icon on the left-hand toolbar of Dentally.

On the left-hand side, there are filters you can adjust to change the outcome of the list you see. You can filter by...

  • The date range which tasks are is due between

  • The person who the tasks are assigned to

  • Are you looking for completed or not completed tasks

  • Display subtasks

In the main window of the task list, you will see...

  • task name

  • notes

  • status indicators

  • patient details

  • the person the tasks is assigned to

  • task due date

  • more details link

Task list FAQs

Why can't I log a task to a location so that when I filter by location, it comes up on that task list?

This is not currently possible in Dentally. The user's default location overrides the location that the user selects when creating a task. This is currently a feature request with our development team.


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