Patients who are due to come into your practice for NHS treatment can read and sign the NHS Patient Declaration form online with Dentally's NHS form available through the Patient Portal. This saves you time and paper. It keeps the electronic forms safe and further promotes a contactless reception.
It's so easy, you don't have to do anything, Dentally's Patient Portal sets it up for you automatically as long as these criteria are met:
In essence, a patient will be asked to complete an NHS form if:
They are on the NHS payment plan in Dentally
They have an appointment booked with a dentist
Their appointment is within the next 2 weeks
They are not currently undergoing NHS treatment i.e. no open Treatment Plan
An FP17 form has not already been signed within 14 days of the upcoming appointment
If these criteria are met, the FP17 form is automatically generated.
The patient will see the form in their Actions list on the Patient Portal.
What the patient sees
The patient selects NHS Form
The patient now selects the appropriate exemption or selects no exemption
The patient completes all necessary fields requested by the NHS exemption fields (Information about the person receiving the benefit, Date of Birth, NI number)
The patient confirms the data is correct
The patient reads the Patient Declaration and confirms that they have read it and understand it.
The patient signs the Patient Declaration and selects Complete
A message confirms that the form has been saved.
The signed form will now be saved in the patient's correspondence tab
Patients Correspondence tab
You can see the signed NHS form in the patient's correspondence tab. Here you Edit and View the form.
Sign on behalf of a Patient
If they are signing on behalf of the patient, you click the box to signify this.
Additional fields now need to be completed.
Full checklist for when a patient will or will not be asked to complete an NHS form in the portal:
After booking an appointment as an NHS patient (either new/existing) - The form will be waiting for the patient to complete and sign in the patient portal.
How far in the future can a patient complete the form?
The form will only appear if the patients appointment is within the next 2 weeks. It will only show if the appointment is with a dentist.
When can't a patient complete an NHS PR Form:
When they have an existing open treatment plan with NHS UDA values assigned.
When the patient has already signed a PR form within 14 days of the upcoming appointment
When they are not an NHS patient. e.g. private and plan patients
When they do not have an upcoming appointment booked.
If they have already have a signed PR form and are still undergoing further treatment in the same treatment plan.
βCan NHS patients still complete an NHS PR if they have an open private treatment plan?
Yes. It will only not show if a patient has an open NHS treatment plan with UDA's attached to it.
βCan I turn this option off?
Yes, if you do not want to present the PR forms to your NHS patients on the portal, you can turn this option off. You simply need to login to your Portal Dashboard through the Dentally Settings menu.
Go to Settings>Integrations>Patient Portal and hit the Login button.
This will take you to the Portal Set up Dashboard.
Go to Settings, then Features and untick the Enable NHS PR Form option
No need to save, that option will then be remembered