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How to amend permission levels
How to amend permission levels

Lets explore how you can give access to certain features for users at different permission levels in Dentally πŸ”’

Hebe Neate-Clegg avatar
Written by Hebe Neate-Clegg
Updated over a week ago

Can I edit what functions a user has access to?

There are default security levels already set up in Dentally, but you can customise your setup by giving lower-level users access to certain higher-level functions.

Those with permission Level 4 (administrator) can grant some additional permissions to individuals on lower security levels.

πŸ“ Please note: If you are looking to amend Dentally Portal permissions, there is a separate guide for this here.

How do I edit a user's access permissions?

Permissions will vary depending on your location. You can check which opt-in features are available to your practice by:

  • Making sure you are a Level 4 user, or ask a Level 4 user to follow the steps below.

  • In Dentally, go to β€˜Settings’ > β€˜Users’.

  • In the list of active users, find the user you want to edit (changes are made one user at a time).

  • Click the 'Edit' πŸ“ icon to the right of their name.

  • Scroll down to the β€˜Security’ section, ensure the chosen permission level is correct in the dropdown and tick any optional features you want them to have access to.

  • When you’re ready, click β€˜Save’.

If you are a Level 4 user, you will have some opt-in security features in your own settings, which you can enable if you need to be able to see these on your account.

  • For all practices: Hide stats on the dashboard?

  • For UK NHS practices: Can submit NHS claims?

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