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How to create and edit a correspondence template
How to create and edit a correspondence template

๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช CA, AU, UK, ROI - Creating and editing correspondence templates, including editing content and adding data tags.

Hebe Neate-Clegg avatar
Written by Hebe Neate-Clegg
Updated over 4 months ago

๐Ÿ’ก Top tip: To understand how correspondence templates work and where to find them, read our correspondence template overview here.

How do I create a new correspondence template?

To create a new template:

  • In Dentally, go to 'Settings' and click on 'Templates'.

  • Click on your chosen tab.

  • Click 'New Template' button on the right-hand side.

How do I edit the contents of a correspondence template?

The steps below can be used to populate a new template, or to edit an existing one (to edit, simply click on the required template and follow the steps as you would if it was new):

  • Complete the fields provided. Which fields are visible will vary to some extent, depending on which template type you are creating:

    • 'Copy existing template' - An easy way to create a new one without needing to start from scratch. Copy an existing one and change the relevant text, keeping the rest the same. Select the required template from the dropdown.

    • 'Name' - Choose something simple and easy to identify so you can differentiate between templates.

    • 'Location' - For multi-sites only, use this field to select which site the template belongs to, or select 'All'. When you assign it to a particular site and save it, you can then view it using the location filter at the top when viewing your templates.

    • 'Salutation' - For letters and estimates only, choose how you want your patients to be addressed in the correspondence. In most cases you would write 'Dear', followed by data tags to personalise the salutation. Find out more about data tags in the dedicated section below.

      Dentally Templates Salutation tag

    • 'Subject' - For emails only, choose a clear email subject line so patient knows what is in the email and why it is important for them to open it.

    • 'Body' - Where you add the main text of your correspondence. Use the formatting options provided (bold, italics, bullets, headings etc), and include data tags where suitable. Your text can be long or short, and can include whatever information you need.

    • Page dimensions - For letters and estimates only, view the height, width and margins, all in millimetre. By default, this is set to A4 sizing, but it can be edited as you wish.

    • 'Edit template styling' - For letters and estimates only, this section should only be edited if you are familiar with CSS editing. If not, please ask Support for help if you'd like to edit it.

    • 'Marketing' - For letters, SMS and emails only, select whether the template is for marketing purposes. You must select this option if it is a marketing template, in order for it to have the unsubscribe link included and to ensure it only sends to patients who have opted into marketing communications (see why that's important here).

    • 'Show in recall report' - For letters, SMS and emails only, choose whether to allow this template to be available for recalls (find out more about recalls here).

    • 'Active' - This option will only appear when you are editing an existing template (not when creating a new one). Templates cannot be deleted, so use this toggle to choose whether the correspondence template is currently active. If set to inactive, Level 4 permission users will see it in the settings, but it will not be available for use in correspondences.

๐Ÿ’ก Top tip: If you edit the name of a template, it will change the name everywhere - make your team aware that the name has changed so they can still find it.

How do I add data tags in correspondence templates?

Data tags can automatically insert patient data into a correspondence. The information used to populate the data tag is pulled directly from Dentally.

Find out more about which data tags are available here. You can also view the available data tags within the template builder. Copy and paste the ones you need into the correspondence template (you only need to copy the bit in square brackets, so for example for the date, you would copy and paste [date_today].

Dentally templates show data tags

When you include the data tag, you will see the data tag itself in the preview, but the corresponding information will be pulled into the correspondence when it is sent.

Can I add my logo to a correspondence template?

It is possible to add a logo image or headed paper at the top of letter templates.

To do this, you need to add the relevant files to your site settings first. Find out how to add your logo to your site settings here.

If you have a logo added in your site settings, this will not be visible when you are editing your letter template - it is important to preview the template before using, to ensure the logo appears as you'd expect.

Can I add headed paper to a correspondence template?

A letter template will automatically populate the header of the letter with your practice details (name, address, logo). These can be edited in your site settings.

The automated header will not be visible when you are editing your lettewr template - it is important to preview the template before using, to ensure the header appears as you'd expect.

If you have your own headed paper, use the "no header" templates. You are likely to need to change the top and bottom page margins to accommodate your headed paper.

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