Let's take a look at how to send your NHS NI prior approval claims through Dentally.
When you hit the tier limit of a provider you will be prompted to request prior approval, let's take a look at how you will send this request off to the NHS.
Watch the below video β¬οΈ or follow the step-by-step instructions on how to successfully send your NHS prior approval claims.
Video instructions...
Step-by-Step instructions...
When charting your course of treatment when you hit the tier limit for the provider in question or you chart a treatment that always requires approval you will see the red prompt appear
When you see this prompt you will know you need to send for prior approval
Tick the items already completed
Click Submit claim
The prior approval box will already be ticked
For any treatments that don't hit the limit but still require approval, you can manually tick the prior approval box.
At the bottom of the claim form you will see the observations box
Fill out the box with what information (if any) you will be mailing to the NHS in the post
Accept the declarations
Submit the claim
Once you click complete you can track the claim from either the patient's NHS tab or the NHS claims report.
When you have completed the work and wish to submit the claim for payment, follow the normal claim submission process