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How to reopen a treatment plan?

Let's take a look at how to reopen a previously completed treatment plan.

Amber Morris avatar
Written by Amber Morris
Updated over a week ago

Reopening a treatment plan

If a private course of treatment is clicked as Complete, you will be asked to review the patients recall dates and then it will be moved into the patients History tab.

When you submit an NHS course of treatment it will automatically move into the patients history at midnight.

To re-open a treatment plan just follow these steps...

Step-by-step instructions

  • Navigate to the patient's record

  • Click on the Chart tab

    • If you are a Clinician, Dentally will automatically take you to this tab

  • Click on the History tab

  • Find the item on the plan you’d like to re-open

  • Click on the TP icon to see the entire Treatment Plan

  • Click on “Re-Open Treatment Plan” in the bottom

  • You can now make any changes required

  • Once you have made your changes, you can either re-submit the plan to the NHS or Complete this to move the plan back into the patient's history

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