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Charting Tips in Dentally - Delete a previously charted item
Charting Tips in Dentally - Delete a previously charted item

How to delete a previously charted treatment item

Shelley Withington avatar
Written by Shelley Withington
Updated over a month ago

There are three scenarios where you may wish to delete a previously charted item.

πŸ’‘ Top tip: If you chart something on a tooth, and then hover over where you charted it (while having the same treatment item still selected), the item will be highlighted - you can click to undo that treatment.

Item charted, but not completed

  • If you have charted an item but have not completed the treatment, you can delete the charted item using the bin icon.

Dentally Delete charted treatment item, not complete
  • The item will be removed from the treatment plan.

  • A green screen note will display, on the top right of the screen, to say it was deleted.

Item charted, charged but invoice not paid

  • If you have charted a treatment item, charged the treatment, an invoice will have been created.

  • If there is an invoice, the treatment cannot be deleted

  • If the invoice has not been paid, the invoice will be unlocked. You can delete the invoice.

  • Delete the invoice by clicking on the bin icon

Dentally Completed and charged treatment, delete charted item
  • As you delete the invoice, the treatment item becomes available to edit.

  • Untick the treatment.

  • This allows you to delete the treatment item.

Item charted, charged, completed and paid for

  • If you have charted a treatment item, charged and completed the treatment, an invoice will have been created.

  • If there is an invoice, the treatment cannot be deleted.

  • If the treatment has been completed, the invoice will be locked.

  • If the invoice has been paid, the invoice will be locked. You cannot delete the invoice.

  • In order to delete the invoice, you need to delete the payment explanation, and possibly also the payment.

  • Next you need to re-open the completed treatment plan.

  • To do this you will need to go to the History, and click on TP.

  • This will show you the Treatment Plan.

  • To re-open the Treatment Plan, click on Re-open treatment plan.

  • Return to the account tab.

  • Once the payment explanation is deleted, and the treatment plan has been re-opened, you can delete the invoice.

  • Delete the invoice by clicking on the bin icon.

  • As you delete the invoice, the treatment item becomes available to edit.

  • Untick the treatment.

  • This allows you to delete the treatment item.

  • Now the treatment is correct, you can charge and complete the treatment.

  • A new invoice is created.

  • Take a payment and allocate it as normal.

πŸ’‘ Top tip: If you chart something wrong or need to make a change (such as a tooth number), you'll need to delete the item using the steps above, and then rechart the item. Make sure you copy any clinical notes to the new item before deleting!

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