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How to find open/incomplete treatment plans
How to find open/incomplete treatment plans

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Shelley Withington avatar
Written by Shelley Withington
Updated over 2 weeks ago

If you have questions like...

'How do I find my NHS courses of treatment that have been completed, but not submitted?' or 'Where can I see all the open courses of treatment I have?'

We have the answers.....

Keeping track of your treatment plans can be done with the Treatment Plans report in the Treatment section of the Reports Menu.

This will help you to find work that is ongoing and needs to be completed and is also very useful for finding plans containing NHS work that have not been claimed, depending on the filters used. The combination of filters will allow you to find many different permutations of the treatment plans' status.

The filters are set from the left side of the screen.

Dentally - Treatment Plans Report - Treatment Plans Filters

Here are a couple of example reports, showing the types of plans you can use the report to find:

Find all completed, but not yet claimed NHS work:

Date range:

Select a date range, to help only find plans started in the period requested.

Claim Status:

Set this to 'No Claim' - this will find plans that have not yet been claimed. Note: this will filter the report to only show plans containing NHS work.

Items Ticked:

Set this option to 'All'. This will find plans where all of the work has been ticked as complete and therefore the claim should be ready to send.


Set to 'Not Complete'. This will filter out any plans that have been closed by clicking the Complete option at the bottom of the plan. If you wish to catch plans that may have been closed in error without submitting a claim, you can leave this set to 'All'.

Payment Status:

Set this to 'No Unpaid Invoices' if you wish to make sure all the plans that you are checking for submission have been fully paid by the patient.


Your resulting list of treatment plans will meet the above criteria and will therefore be plans where all of the work has been ticked, but there has been no NHS Claim raised.

Top tip: Clicking the resulting plan number will open the treatment plan found by the report.

Dentally - Treatment Plan Number - open treatment plan in new window

Clicking the shortcut arrow to the right of the number will open the plan in a new tab in your browser. This means once you have dealt with this plan, you can close the new tab and be returned to the report, still open in your first tab.

Find all Private courses of treatment which have been started but not finished:

Date range:

Select a date range, to help only find plans started in the period requested.

Payment Plan/Fee Schedule:

Set this to 'Private' in this example.

Items Ticked:

Set this option to 'Some Items Ticked'. This will find plans where the plan has been started, but not completed.


Set to 'Not Complete'. This will remove any plans that have been closed by clicking the Complete option at the bottom of the plan. If the plan is not complete, but the patient is not going to return, then selecting 'Complete' at the bottom of the plan will close it and it would not appear on this listing.

Find all plans completed by a practitioner over a time range:

Date range:

Select a date range, to help only find plans started in the period requested.


Select the practitioner whose plans you wish to find.


Set to 'Complete'. This will show only the plans marked as complete by the practitioner.

As you can see, the different permutations of filters on this report will allow the user to find plans that fall into many different statuses.

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