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The Income Report

How to use the Income Report for total income, NHS patient charges, UDAs and unexplained payments.

Shelley Withington avatar
Written by Shelley Withington
Updated over a week ago
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The Income Report details income from FULLY PAID invoices for a date period.

It also details NHS Patient Charges, NHS UDAs and Unexplained payments for a date period set in the filters.

Permissions and views

What practitioners can see on the income reports depends on their permission levels.

  1. Level 2 practitioners can see their own income on the Income Report

  2. Level 2 non-practitioners cannot see the report at all

  3. Level 3 and Level 4 permissions have full access to the report and can choose any practitioner

Income Totals

Dentally Income Report Income totals

The Income Report shows totals of FULLY PAID invoices, depending on your filters, ordered by income amount, highest to lowest.

NHS Patient Charges

Dentally Income Report NHS Patient Charge totals

The income Report shows the total paid in NHS patient charges, depending on your filters.


Dentally Income Report NHS UDA totals

The Income Report shows each NHS contract and the total number of claims, UDAs and amount of income per contract, depending on your filters.

Unexplained Payments

Dentally Income Report Unexplained Payments Totals

The Income Report gives you the number and total of income remaining unexplained, depending on your filters.


Set the filters depending upon what you are looking to achieve.

Dentally Income Report Standard Filters

  • From and Until - date filters for a specific date range

  • Location, where applicable

  • Payment Plan - if you want to filter by NHS or Private of your own dental plan. Select from the Dropdown list

  • Practitioner - select individual practitioner if you want to see how much income from FULLY PAID invoices an individual practitioner has brought into the practice

  • Sundries - include or exclude

  • Zero Value Items - include or exclude to see how many zero value items have been invoiced

More about the Income Report

To learn more about the Income Report and how you might use it, we have a number of tutorial webpages for you to refer to.

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