You may wish to see your annual income or practitioner activity for the year. Dentally's reports can be used together to give you access to any information you require to manage your dental practice.
Using the Income Report you can see your income on fully paid invoices for treatments over a period of time.
Using the Practitioner Activity Report you can see the total number of hours and invoiced work for a period of time, for a specific treatment.
An example
Can we see how much we have taken for composite fillings over the last year?
The Income Report
The Income Report will show you the total number of invoiced items, the total amount invoiced, the NHS patient charges, NHS UDAs and the Unexplained payments for the period.
Set your Filters:
Set the date filters From and Until
Set the Location if applicable
Set the Payment Plan/Fee Schedule and Practitioner
Do you want sundries included or Excluded?
Do you want to include or exclude items that have a ยฃ0 charge?
Look down the list of items to find the Fillings you are looking for.
The quantity and total invoiced are shown at the bottom of the columns. On a separate row are the totals for NHS Patient Charges, NHS UDAs, and Unexplained Payments.
The Practitioner Activity Report
The Practitioner Activity Report will show you the total number of patients treated, number of hours spent, and invoice total for the treatment you have chosen, composite fillings, in this example.
Set your Filters:
Set the Date to completed or Paid - depending on whether you want to see all treatment completed between the two dates or treatment fully paid during that period
Set the From and Until fields. N.B. you cannot see more than 1 year's worth of data. So set the date to 1 October 2019 to 30 September 2020, for example, and NOT 1 October 2019 to 1 October 2020.
Set the Location if applicable
Set the Treatment Category if you want to see by category, otherwise leave as All
Set the Treatment to Composite Filings. Select from the drop down list of your treatments. N.B. you can only select one treatment at a time. If you want all treatments, select any, and export the data which you can then filter in your spreadsheet.
The total number of patients treated, number of hours spent, and invoice total shows at the bottom of each column.
N.B. The treatment hours is calculated using the appointment time, not the actual time. For example, if you did 12 lots of 10 minute appointments, the total would be 2 hours, regardless of the actual amount of time taken to complete these treatments.
It is therefore, important that practitioners record the actual duration of the treatment in the clinical notes.
Remember that the totals in the Practitioner Activity can be different depending on how you set the first Date filter - completed on or paid on.
More about the Practitioner Activity Report
To learn more about the Practitioner Activity Report and how you might use it, we have a number of tutorial webpages for you to refer to.
As a practitioner, How can I see what I am due to be paid?
More about the Income Report
To learn more about the Income Report and how you might use it, we have a number of tutorial webpages for you to refer to.