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Add clinical notes to a closed treatment plan
Add clinical notes to a closed treatment plan

How to add or edit clinical notes to a closed course of treatment

Shelley Withington avatar
Written by Shelley Withington
Updated over a week ago

Treatment plan clinical notes are locked for editing 24 hours after a treatment is marked as complete. This protects the clinical notes from being amended by other staff members after the day of completion.

Once you complete a treatment plan, it disappears from the chart screen. Locate closed treatment plans in the chart History tab.

To add or edit clinical notes on a closed treatment item

You an edit and amend clinical notes up to 24 hours after you have completed the treatment. If you closed the treatment within 24 hours, this is the way you add or edit and update notes.

  • Go to the Chart > History tab

  • Locate treatment plan in the history list

Dentally Chart History showing TP
  • Click on TP

  • If the treatment item shows the bin icon, you can edit the notes immediately

  • Click on the right-facing arrow to open the treatment

  • If the treatment item is greyed out and tells you it is locked for editing

Dentally Treatment item locked for editing
  • Re-open the treatment plan

  • Untick the treatment to edit

Dentally untick treatment to enable editing
  • Add your notes

Dentally Edit treatment notes
  • If your treatment plan is now complete, tick the treatment as finished and complete.

Adding a General Note

An alternative way of adding notes to a completed treatment, if they do not affect the invoice, is to chart a General Note.

  • Go to Chart > History tab

  • Locate the treatment in the list of treatments

Dentally Chart History showing TP
  • Click on TP next to the treatment

  • Re-open the treatment plan

  • Chart a general note - NOTE that your general note may not have the same name as shown in the picture below

Dentally chart a general note
  • Set the date completed to that of the original treatment

Dentally General note showing date completed

  • Tick the treatment to mark it as finished and then press complete to close the treatment plan

What to do if the Treatment item is locked for editing

Treatments will be locked for editing if there is an invoice associated with it.

  • Locate treatment plan in the chart History tab

Dentally Chart History showing TP

  • Click on TP

  • Re-open the treatment plan,

  • The treatment will show as greyed out. When you click on the treatment it will tell you is it locked and cannot be edited

  • Go to the patient's account tab

  • Locate the invoice associated with the treatment

  • You now want to delete the invoice

Dentally invoice able to delete
  • If the invoice is locked, it will be because there is a payment associated with it

Dentally Invoices showing invoice locked
  • Locate the payment associated with the invoice - the invoice numbers will match

  • Delete the payment explanation - click on the bin icon ONCE

  • Your invoice will now be unlocked

  • Delete an invoice associated with the treatment

Dentally Invoice unlocked
  • Your original treatment is now unlocked and you can untick the treatment so that you can edit it

Dentally untick treatment to allow editing
  • When you have made all your amendments, charge the treatment

  • The invoice will be created again

Dentally invoice automatically allocated against payment
  • The payment will automatically be explained against the new invoice

Dentally payment automatically explained against new invoice

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