How to view the Action Today dashboard
For Practice Managers and any user who has less than 15 practices assigned to them, the Action Today dashboard will be your landing page when logging into the MPC.
To access the dashboard from another menu either click the 'Action Today' โก๏ธ button on the toolbar of navigate to 'My Dashboards' on the toolbar and choose 'Action Today Dashboard'
You can always click on the 'Multipractice Cloud' logo in the top left to go to the Home Page.
What can I see on the Action Today dashboard
The Action Today dashboard offers you a comprehensive view of actionable insights for your practice. The reports on this dashboard gives you insights into areas of the business such as:
You also have the ability to drill down into each report for further detail into the highlighted issue using the arrow icon in the top right of each report.
This dashboard provides you with the tools to easily monitor your daily performance to aid in good housekeeping practices.
Choosing your practices
Every dashboard in MPC will give you the option to select which practices you wish to include in your dashboard reports. These can be ticked/unticked at anytime, with the dashboard automatically updating as you do so.
๐จ Important: If your data is showing as out of date this could mean there is an issue with the transfer of Data between Dentally and MPC. Get in touch with Ellie Bot and our team via support chat to report any issues. Read more about the practice statuses here. *ADD LINK**
Action Today tile breakdowns
Diary Utilisation
The Diary Utilisation tile gives you a snapshot of the Appointment Diary for today and the next working day.
It will show the booked percentage and the unbooked number of hours. This gives you insight into how much unbooked time you have over the coming days so you can prioritise as needed.
The drill down for the diary utilisation goes straight to the Appointment Diary report allowing you to see further ahead in the diary, depending on the filters you choose to set.
๐ Please note: The worked percentage will also include 'Extra hours'. MPC determines 'Extra hours' as the total number of hours worked in blocked time. This could cause a discrepancy between worked %, booked % and Whitespace %.
Unpaid Invoices
This preview shows detail of invoices raised but not paid in a variety of time frames. Yesterday, last 7 days and last 30 days.
By clicking on this report tile you will be taken to the Invoice & Payment Report where you can further dig into any outstanding payments.
Fail To Attend
The Fail to attend tile provides insights into the number of patients that have FTA'd. It gives you a breakdown for:
Number of FTA's yesterday (or the last working day)
Number of FTA's that have NOT rebooked an appointments looking back over the last 30 days.
The drill down for the Fail to Attend tile goes straight to the Patient FTA Detail report, this shows the status of all patients that have had an FTA in the past 30 days.
The Cancellations tile shows the number of cancelled appointments that have yet to have a new appointment booked.
The alert is designed to stop white space creeping into the Appointment Diary through cancelled appointments and is a great actionable insight into getting your those patients back in the chair!
The drill down for the cancellation tile goes straight to the Patient Cancellation Details report, and this shows the status of all patients that have cancelled in the past 30 days.
Open COTs without Appt
This tile is a great resource for filling your diary. It will show the number or Private and NHS treatments that are still open but that have no future appointment booked in your diary. Working through these lists will ensure that not only your calendars are kept full but that your patients are promptly chased for any outstanding treatments.
You can click onto either entry on this tile to dig into the Treatment Plans By Period Detail report on MPC where you can further filter this list of patients.
Potential Unblocked Diaries
Incorrectly scheduled diaries can create havoc with KPI reporting. Your whitespace and worked hour figures as well as your earnings per hour all become invalid when your schedules are not correctly configured in Dentally.
The potential unblocked diaries tile highlights potential unblocked diaries. An unblocked diary is defined for this purpose as an open calendar without a single appointment present.
The drill down for the potential unblocked diaries tile goes straight to the Appointment Diary report. Some things to note about the Appointment Diary report are
The whitespace here is coloured red for clear visibility of any empty diary space.
You can click on the practice name to show all calendars for a single practice.
Calendars that show as all red are potentially not scheduled correctly.