How to set my preferred payment terminal
The first time you use the terminal, you will be asked to 'Please select a terminal'.
Change this drop-down to the terminal you wish to use going forward.
Set this as your preferred terminal by changing the drop-down selection box for 'Do you want to save this as you preferred terminal?' to 'Yes'.
'Submit' and carry on with your payment as normal.
The preferred payment terminal will apply to any estimate, claim, or payment you process via Dentally using your login details.
π Please note: The payment terminal preference is unique to each user's account, e.g. Sandra can select terminal A, while Josh can select terminal B.
How to change my preferred payment terminal
At the end of a transaction, select the 'RESET MY PREFERRED TERMINAL' button at the bottom of the screen (you may need to scroll down to see this).
Selecting this will remove your terminal preference, so you can choose a different terminal for your next claim, estimate, or payment.
What is a preferred payment terminal?
If you have multiple payment terminals in your practice, each user can now select a terminal once and save it against their login so that they don't have to select it each time.
This applies to:
Health-fund estimates
Health-fund claims
Electronic payments processed through Dentally