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Comparing Perio Exams

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Kevin Bell avatar
Written by Kevin Bell
Updated over 3 months ago

Comparing Previous Exams

When viewing a recorded Perio exam, you can compare this with any previously saved exams using the Compare Exam option at the top right of the screen (you may need to scroll up to see these options).

You can compare a Perio exam with any exams recorded prior to the one on view, as such, the exam you select first must always be the newest of the exams you want to compare, then choose an older exam to compare it with.

Selecting Exams to Compare:

The exam on the left of the comparison display is the one on display when Comparison mode was opened. The next previous exam will be displayed as the comparison on the right, but older exams can be selected from the drop down menu accessed by the highlighted arrow.

Comparing Exams - The Graphical Chart:

When comparing two exams, the graphical representation of the chart displays the current exam readings with a solid line or outline. The prior exam's recordings are displayed with a dotted line or outline.

In the example above, the previous exam had bleeding on the UR3 and UL5 which is no longer present on the current exam. The UR6 had bleeding previously and this bleeding is still present.

The mobility on the UR1 UL1 and UL2 remains, but has improved, changing from grade 2 to 1 on the UR1 and UL1 and from grade 3 to 1 on the UL2.

The solid lines for Pocket Depth and Recession show the current exam recordings, and the dotted lines the recordings from the previous exam.

Hint: Using the 'View' option will allow you to remove any areas of information you do not require, helping you and your patient to focus on areas you wish to discuss.

Comparing Exams - The Table:

The table view beneath the graphical chart will show separate lines for the Prior and Current exam readings.

Areas where there has been improvement on the current exam from the prior are highlighted in green and areas where there has been a decline from the prior exam are highlighted in red.

Take a look at our support doc here to find out how to chart a Perio Exam.

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