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Creating custom fields in Treatment Items
Creating custom fields in Treatment Items

Creating custom fields to populate treatment items with pre-existing information so you can save time whem charting.

Clare Levy avatar
Written by Clare Levy
Updated over a week ago

What are 'Custom Fields' for treatment items?

'Custom Fields' allow you to quickly record notes and information by means of text, tick boxes and preset options such as dropdown lists.

You need to have Level 4 (Administrator) permissions to do this.

How to add and create Custom Fields for a treatment item

To add custom fields to your treatment items you need to:

  • Go to 'Settings' > 'Treatments & Plans'.

  • Select the treatment item and navigate to the 'Fields' tab

  • Then click 'New Custom Field'.

  • This will open up the custom field screen for you to add new fields and options.

image highlighting the new custom field button in the treatment item fields settings.

  • After selecting the 'New Custom Field' button in the treatment settings, you will be presented with some field options.

  • You will need to work your way through each option in the menu to set up your custom screen, the following sections will break down each setting.

  • It's important to remember to click 'Save' after adding each new field to save any progress.

💡 Top Tip: It’s possible to set as many fields as you would like per treatment item to help streamline the entry of your clinical notes.

Custom field 'Type' settings

Select the appropriate 'Type' for the field:

  • Text - will allow you a short line of text

  • Number  - will allow you to type in a number - or you can use the up and down arrows to  change numbers

  • Dropdown - will allow you to select an option from a preset list

  • Checkbox - will allow you to tick or untick an item (true or false)

  • Paragraph - will allow you to enter more text (up to 2000 characters)

  • Title - will let you create a Title field to help you section your custom fields screen

  • Spacer - will allow you to add additional space on the form

​Custom field 'Name' settings

This will be the name displayed on the Field screen on a planned treatment item. The name should be short but accurately describe the purpose of the field.

Custom field 'Description' settings

Setting a description for the field can help you to clarify what it’s for, You will ONLY see the description when editing the fields or viewing them in the 'Field' settings for a treatment item, they will NOT display on a treatment plan. 

Custom field 'Width' settings

This allows you to design how your screen of custom fields is laid out. The width of the overall screen is determined by how many columns you have set, then you can set how much of the screen is taken up by each field. Read more about columns below.

The 'Width' and 'Columns' can work all the up to a 12x12 'gird' you can tick the 'Show grid whilst editing' tick box at the bottom of the screen for a clear view of the width of each box against the grid you have set.

Example: If you want a field to fill the full width of the screen, you will need to make sure the width of the field is the same as the amount of columns you have set.

gif showing how to adjust the width of custom items alongside the amount of columns and how this will affect the form.

💡Top tips:

  • Want to change the width? You can change the width of a field at any time.

  • Don't like the layout? You can set and re-set the number of columns once you have hit the save button.

Custom field 'Default Value' settings

This is an optional field and can be left blank, however, you could also set a default value if you would like a field to be pre-populated with set text or numbers. This will apply that default value when you chart the treatment.

Its important to note that you can still overwrite the default with another value once updating this custom field on the chart screen.

Using 'Columns' with custom fields

Once you have saved your first field settings, a new field will appear at the top left of the editing screen. This field allows you to change the number of columns your screen will use to present your screen.

To adjust your columns, click on the number to change the amount of columns used in your screen. Changing the number columns may adjust the appearance of your fields or automatically adjust the width of a field to match the new column amount.

Editing 'Fields'

Should you need to adjust the width, or name of the fields, simply click on the number or name in the column and change it. The changes will be shown immediately on screen.

You can edit other aspects of the custom field, using the 'Edit'button, and if you need to remove a field, you can use the 'Delete' bin icon.

To move items up and down your list simply use the 'Move' icon and drag and drop these up or down the list, you will see this update the form preview as you do so.

How to use the dropdown field type

🚨 Important: Renaming a custom field dropdown option that is already saved and in use against your treatment plan item, will mean any previously entered values will no longer be selected.

If you create a field using the Dropdown list, you will need to add each of the selectable options for this list to be complete. To do this:

  • Select 'Dropdown' as the option for the field type.

  • Proceed to fill in your options, you can use the 'Add new option' button to add additional dropdown options.

  • These can be edited, deleted and re-arranged if required.

gif showing how to add multiple items to a dropdown field type.

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