How do I edit an existing insurance carrier?
If you have already set up an insurance carrier, you can edit it from your insurance settings.
Navigate to your insurance settings. Under the 'Insurance carriers' tab, you will see a list of all your current carriers.
From here, identify the carrier from the list.
To the far right of the carrier, click the pencil π icon to edit it.
You can then edit details as you would when creating a new carrier.
When you are finished, click 'Save' to add the new carrier to your list.
What details can I add when creating or editing an insurance carrier?
'Carrier short code' - The abbreviation used to represent the carrier (eg PBC is Pacific Blue Cross).
'EDI code' - The carrier ID assigned to the insurance company by CDAnet (if the carrier is non-CDAnet, use 999999.
'Carrier name' - The insurance company's name.
Carrier contact information - The address, phone number, contact name and email address for the company, if known.
'Age limit (days)' - This defaults to 365.
'Network' - Select from the network dropdown.
'Assignment' - Whether the office accepts assignments from the insurance company.
'Claim option' - Tick the 'Print Office ID on Claim Form' box if the insurance requires the office ID to be included when printing.
'Carrier options' - Tick the 'Accept EDI' box if required, and tick the 'Consolidate labs' box if the insurance requires the lab procedure to be consolidated into the procedure (if unchecked, the appropriate lab code charge will be listed as its own procedure line).
'EDI settings' - This will be auto-populated according to the CDAnet carrier list, and cannot be edited.
π Please note: Certain fields are only shown for CDAnet carriers.