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How to claim a Medicare CDBS treatment

How to claim for a Medicare CDBS treatment, using the bulk bill method.

Anke Michalik avatar
Written by Anke Michalik
Updated over a week ago

1. How to charge a Medicare CDBS treatment

πŸ“ Please note: If a patient is receiving treatment under Medicare CDBS, it is a requirement that you use the 5-digit codes - 88xxx - in the treatment plan.

  • Chart your Medicare 88xxx treatment items and tick them once complete.

  • Select 'Charge'.

  • The charged amount will display in the patients 'Account'.

2. How to process an electronic CDBS claim

Now you have charged your treatment and you have invoiced the patients account you can proceed to send the claim:

  • Select 'New Claim' and then 'Medicare' from the dropdown.

  • The Medicare Claim screen will open.

  • Tick the treatment items that need to be claimed and select 'Send'.

  • While the claim is processing, the Submitted claim window will display.

  • Once the Medicare claim is processed, the approved claim details window will open.

  • Check the claim status is showing as 'Approved' and the Medicare eligibility has 'Y' next to each item number.

  • Select 'Continue' and go back to the patients 'Account' tab.

  • The approved claim will now appear in the 'Payments' section as 'Pending'.

3. How to reconcile a CDBS claim

  • Check the PRODA website for payments received.

  • Once received, open the relevant patients record and navigate to their 'Account' tab.

  • Select 'View' against the pending Medicare claim.

  • Select the 'Reconcile' button to open the rebate entry fields.

  • Type the Rebate amounts paid for each treatment item in to the relevant fields.

  • Once all rebate amounts have been entered, select 'Next'.

  • The Discount screen will appear, If Medicare have not fully paid a treatment item amount a discount can be entered to adjust the outstanding invoice amount to zero.

  • Select 'Finish' when complete.

  • The 'Pending' status will now be removed from the Medicare Claim appearing in the Payments section.

  • If Medicare have not paid the full amount and no discount was applied to account for this, any amount left outstanding for the patient to pay will appear as a debt against their record.

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