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Creating a Treatment Plan

How to create a new Treatment Plan, add new treatments, change treatments, add appointments, create estimates, submit & complete

Shelley Withington avatar
Written by Shelley Withington
Updated over a week ago

Treatment Plans are where work is proposed, charted and charged for a patient. A treatment plan can contain work over multiple appointments and for multiple practitioners and payment plans if required.

Work on treatment plans is ordered by appointment. This makes the plan easy to follow for the patient and helps Reception book in the work required.

A New Treatment Plan

To start a new treatment plan, click on the + in the patient’s chart screen.

This will open a new treatment plan and give it a unique number. The first appointment holder for the treatments being carried out will be automatically linked to an appointment the patient has in the calendar.

Adding Treatments

You can now add the treatments to today’s appointment, by selecting them from the treatment list on the left of the screen. If the treatment is to be charted on a tooth, select the treatment, then click on the tooth or specific surface for that treatment. If a treatment needs to be added to the plan and not charted on a tooth, double click it on the treatment list.

Changing Treatment Prices, Durations or Other Details

As each treatment is added, its default price and duration for the patient’s registered payment plan will be added to the treatment line. You can override this default price and duration, by clicking on the value and typing a new one.

Clicking on the treatment description will allow you to amend more of the details and write notes against this treatment.

amend treatment plan details

Completing Treatment

Tick each treatment as complete using the tick-box on the right of each treatment line. The tick box against each appointment holder marks everything in that appointment as complete in one go. When you mark treatment as complete, it cannot be edited unless you untick it.

Adding Appointments to the Treatment Plan

Click the Add Appointment button. This will add additional appointments for future work to be carried out and create Unbooked Appointments for Reception to book. The appointment holder highlighted in blue is the appointment you will add treatments to.

The duration of the work you add to these appointments will tell Reception how long the appointment needs to be. You can use the pencil button to add guidance notes for Reception about this appointment.

The X button by the appointment notes marks this appointment ‘Do Not Book’. This means the appointment holder will stay on the treatment plan, but it will not show as an appointment to be booked in the patient’s record.

When the patient returns to Reception, their required appointments can now be easily seen in the Appointments tab of their record. The staff on Reception can simply add these required appointments to the clipboard and put them into the calendar before the patient leaves the practice.

💡 Top tip: You can change the name of appointments within the treatment plan, to make them easier to identify! Simply click the existing appointment name eg 'Appt. 1' and type in your chosen name.

Creating an Estimate

The Create Estimate button uses your saved templates to create an estimate for the patient to take and consider the work. This can be printed or emailed and can also be signed directly in the system by using the iPad app. The estimate will be saved in the Correspondence section of the patient’s records. If it has been signed, the signature will also be saved and this copy can be sent to the patient for their records.

You can read more in our help guide about creating an estimate.

Charging Treatment

The Charge treatment button creates an invoice for any completed and not yet charged work on this plan. Once work has been charged, you can not untick it as complete unless you remove the invoice containing it.

For more information on removing invoices, see our help guide on deleting an invoice.

Submitting any NHS Work

If the treatment plan contains any NHS work, once it is marked as complete, you will be given the option to Submit Claim. This will create an NHS Claim for the work and take you through the NHS Submission process. This should be carried out at the end of the treatment plan and the plan closed after submission.

For more information on submitting NHS claims, see our help guide on submitting an NHS claim.

Completing the Treatment Plan

When all of the visits have been completed and all of the work is ticked, close the plan by clicking the Complete button at the bottom.

You will be asked to confirm when you would like to see the patient again, based on their recall intervals and their last completed Exam and Scale & Polish appointments. The dates will be suggested but can be overwritten here and the patient’s recall intervals changed if required.

You will be warned if you are completing a plan that has incomplete or uncharged treatments, but you can still close these plans if not all of the work was carried out or the work was not charged.

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