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How to use zones in your calendar

How to create and use zones – previously known as session appointments – to set aside slots in your calendar for specific reasons.

Hebe Neate-Clegg avatar
Written by Hebe Neate-Clegg
Updated over a week ago

📝 Please note: The ‘Settings’ menu is only available to users with Level 4 (Administrator) permissions.

How do I add new zones to my calendar?

  • Go to 'Settings' > 'Diary' > 'Zones' tab.

  • In the top right corner, click the ‘New Zone’ button.

  • Add the information you need and click ‘Save’.

📝 Please note: The zone you have created or edited might not be immediately visible in the calendar. Wait for 5-10 minutes for the system to update. If the issue persists, try reviewing your settings and making any necessary adjustments, or contact Support.

You can edit the following fields:

  • Title: A reminder for your team of what the zone is for – displays on the calendar.

  • Colour: The colour of the border or the background shading. Use the colour picker and click ‘OK’ when you have chosen (or it won’t change).

  • Start Time/End Time/Days: The day(s) and time (s) that will be highlighted.

  • Location: The practice site you want the zone to apply to.

  • Practitioners/Rooms: Tick which practitioners or rooms you want the zone to apply to. The zone will appear in their respective calendars.

  • Start Date/End Date: When these zones will start from and end.

  • Occurs Every: Choose how regularly you want this zone to apply eg. weekly.

  • Display in calendar as border: Choose from ‘Background’, ‘Border’ or ‘Border & Background’.

💡 Top tip: Make sure you're setting up zone groups, to make it easier to search for availability! Find out what you need to do to use this feature here.

What do zones look like in the calendar?

A zone using a border:

session using a border

A zone using a background:

Can I search filter by zone when searching for practitioner availability?

This feature will be coming to you very soon! In order to benefit from it, make sure you have assigned your zones into groups of the same type.

Why should I use zones to mark my calendar?

Zones – previously known as session appointments – are a great way to show when certain slots in your calendar are set aside for specific reasons, such as different types of clinics, emergency slots, or distinction between private and NHS.

They are also a good way of showing which practitioner is working in a particular surgery/room.

📝 Please note: Zones shouldn't be confused with blocking out your calendar to show when pracitioners are unavailable/on holiday.

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