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How to use the claims management tool to review claims that need attention
How to use the claims management tool to review claims that need attention

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ CA only - Use the claims management tool to track insurance payments and make sure you are collecting payment.

Hebe Neate-Clegg avatar
Written by Hebe Neate-Clegg
Updated over a week ago

How do I monitor claims that need attention?

On a monthly basis, we recommend reviewing older claims that you should have received payment on.

  • Use the treatment date filters to select the time period you would like to check eg the first to last day of a particular month.

  • Use the claim status filter to only show claims that are marked as 'Needs attention' or 'Pending'.

  • Review each claim and determine next steps. You can refine the search further - filter by insurance status and follow the recommended actions below:

Insurance status

Questions to ask

Action if yes


Was the invoice deleted and a new claim created?

Discard (we suggest leaving a comment about why you are discarding)

Was it not covered by insurance so the patient paid? (Invoice status is 'Paid').

Discard (we suggest leaving a comment about why you are discarding)

Does it need to be resubmitted? (The invoice status will be 'Unpaid' and no other claims will be related to that invoice).

Determine why it was rejected or what the error was. Make the change and resubmit, or mark as manually submitted.


Was the invoice deleted and a new claim created?

Discard (we suggest leaving a comment about why you are discarding)

Was it not covered by insurance so the patient paid? (Invoice status is 'Paid').

Discard (we suggest leaving a comment about why you are discarding)

Does it need to be resubmitted? (The invoice status will be 'Unpaid' and no other claims will be related to that invoice).

Determine why it was rejected or what the error was. Make the change and resubmit.

Submit manually

Was the invoice deleted and a new claim created?

Mark as manually submitted, then mark as reversed.

Was it paid?

If there is a payment, then mark as paid.

Are you waiting on insurance to pay?

Follow up with insurance, leave a comment and mark as submitted manually.

Was it not sent?

Resend the claim manually, mark as submitted manually.

Was it rejected?

Discard (we suggest leaving a comment about why you are discarding)

Submitted manually


EOB received

Was it paid?

If there is a payment from insurance, then show as paid by using the 'Record payment' button and entering $0.00. Ensure the payment is properly explained.

Are you waiting on insurance to pay?

Follow up with insurance and leave a comment.

Was it rejected?

Discard (we suggest leaving a comment about why you are discarding)


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