How do I record an insurance payment in the claim management tool?
If you are using the new workflow to record an insurance payment in the claim management tool:
Navigate to the claims management tool and select your chosen claim by clicking the tickbox next to the relevant claim. You can select multiple claims at once if you wish to make a bulk reconciliation.
At the bottom of the screen, click 'Record Payment'. (If you have selected claims with different statuses, select 'Choose action for partial selection' first and then click 'Record payment' - the reconciliation will then only apply to those that can have a payment recorded against them).
The payment side panel will open, displaying the details of the claims you have selected.
From here you can use the payment type dropdown at the top of the panel to choose between 'Cheque' or 'Direct Deposit' and enter a transaction reference. We recommend putting the cheque or deposit reference number as the transaction reference, so you can easily find it later.
You can also enter and adjust insurance payments.
You can enter the total amount received for the claim, or specify the amount received for each individual treatment within the claim.
To view and edit treatment-level amounts, click the dropdown arrow to the left of the claim to expand it. This will display individual treatment amounts, allowing for more precise reconciliation.
If you need to adjust your claim selection or complete another action in Dentally while reconciling an insurance payment, you can close the panel (by clicking 'X' in the top-right corner or clicking outside the panel). You can complete any actions you need, such as updating your claim selection, then click 'Continue recording payment' in the claim management tool to pick up where you left off. Any changes you made will remain, as long as you do not close your tab.
When you are ready and have made all the changes you need, click 'Record payment' to reconcile the insurance payment.
If you wish to discard the insurance payment reconciliation and start over, click 'Discard progress' instead of 'X'. This will reset all entered data.
π‘ Top tip: If there is an underpayment, the remaining amount will move to the patient balance, ready for you to collect. If there is an overpayment, then it will become a credit on the account.