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All CollectionsChangelog2021
March 2021 - Changelog
March 2021 - Changelog

Please find below the changelog for March 2021 which summarises our latest product developments and updates.

Clare Levy avatar
Written by Clare Levy
Updated over a week ago

🆕 Patient Notes Audit History - We have now introduced an audit view and panel to show the audit history for a specific record without requiring the user to go to the full audit log. This is now available for Patients Notes and we hope to add this to other areas in time.

To see these new audit view and panel changes open up a patient note. You will notice a new history icon in the bottom left corner of the note. Clicking on the icon will open a new audit window on the right side of your screen and it will quickly show you the audit history of that record.


🆕 Patient Portal - BETA - NHS PR Forms can now be completed from Patient Portal. Read our blog to find out more here.

🌟Improved: Automated Patient Communications. You can now have conditions set to filter by the Patient's Payment Plan. Find out more here.

🌟Improved: EUR: For Ireland dental practices we have made some changes to the way we format money to handle Irish based conventions.

🌟Improved: Patient Portal - Slight design changes to make form fields visually easier to navigate and use for your patients.

🌟Improved: Multi-Site Inbox. We have made some enhancements to the multi-site inbox to make it easier to filter and see SMS and emails by site.

🐛 Fixed: Patient Portal - Resolved an issue whereby the Portal page would refresh and require re-entering patient form information.

🐛 Fixed: Dashboard. We have resolved an issue for non-multi-site practitioners on the dashboard.

🐛 Fixed: The validation when selecting dates to prevent the 'end date' falling before the 'before date'.

Any queries then please do speak to the Support team.

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